The elements of the music were distributed over 10 CDs (such that each CD carried just one layer of the music), and then played on 10 CD players positioned around the space. The CDs are of different lengths, and carry different numbers of tracks (some of which are silent tracks). Each player was set to "random shuffle" so that the exact overlay of elements at any given moment would not be predictable. The total playing time of such a piece (i.e. the time before it precisely repeats) is effectively infinite".
Random, infinite, overlay, non predictable, installation, space, repeats: perfect key words for describing this deep and mysterious ambient music, surrounding sleeping bodies who remind me the petrified corpses of Pompei inhabitants, when the Vesuvius volcano destroyed the city.
Beautiful atmospheric music, to be played and listened to in infinite mode...
Link: mp3 / 320
password: olduvai
5 commentaires:
same 1 kbs on track 01
Hi bferry.pt,
I checked the files: they are okay...
I think the problem is on your end...
Did you enter the password ?
This is a marvelous album. May I quote your blog and take some excerpts for a post in my blog : Martian Shaker ?
To Martian Shaker: thanks for your message. Yes, you can quote my blog if you want, and thanks for asking :-)
I've entered the password 'olduvai' you provided on your blog.
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