... yes, but it is my "jardin secret"... This ambient blog is devoted to dreams and memories, to feelings and desires: music and beauty are an ever-expanding horizon...
I have been lurking and downloading on this blog since you began it. Your post today has encouraged me to step forward and at least say "thank you".
Your choices are consistently excellent. Often I have nodded in mutual enjoyment as I read a review of some classic disc.
More importantly, by trusting in your taste, I have been introduced to artists I never would have found on my own.
I know that it is hard facing off against the music industry. They are fiercely defending a dead goose that will lay no more eggs. Of course, threatening and suing your customers is hard way to build loyalty.
Please choose what is right for you with regards to continuing this blog. But know that, in such a short time, you have had a positive impact.
I also have come to respect your taste in music and discovering artists that I did not already know about has been a very pleasant experience. This discovery adds to my own and friends future music spending habits (the question of “who is that” usually ends up with a future attempt to discover more of the artists repertoire.) Most of the artists that you feature can only benefit from this exposure as far from being mainstream they are barely on the radar in the EU or the US. It’s common on music blogs for an uploader such as rapidshare to delete material usually if they are in flac format or if relatively new. A couple of individuals in this field such as Robert Rich and Robin Guthrie of the disbanded Cocteau Twins seem to take strong exception to their music being shared, but in my own opinion the request to delete is not made by a record company or artist but an embittered individual who is jealous of the success of another blog. It seems to me that when you get deletions it denotes that your blog has actually arrived. I hope you continue, but whatever you decide thankyou for the efforts that you have made to spread the knowledge of some excellent music, I also find your garden a pleasant and relaxing place. PJ
It's the nature of this game my dear. The music industry doesn't want the music blogs to promote their music. They just need stupidheads to buy products and the artists that you promote (great taste by the way) or want the world to learn about are probably members of their labels mainly for tax reasons. Your work is outstanding. Your comments are very helpful too. Do it for your own pleasure and for ours too. Chris.
i think the first fellow put it best; this is a superb blog, wonderful collection of musics.. the whole thing's a bit of gray line, i'm afraid; i certainly have enjoyed inestimably some of the wonderful music you've posted, but as for legality, you may quit while you're ahead, or forge ahead.. i just wish people using it would write more comments, like it takes a second, ditto all the blogs, however you must make your own mind up, or post infrequently, obviously we don't want to lose you, tim leary said computers are the new lsd, he was pretty near the mark, despite being off a tad on many other things, c'est la vie.. thanks for all the wonder, anyway.. sounds like you're busy 2, and i can't imagine the skills involved in floating one of these, bit beyond commendable, all the power to you in whatever you decide, i was enriched.. piko
Thank you for your blog. I have dicovered some artists here. I use to buy cd's and dvd's when I like a lot what I listen to from the web.
It exists another way to discover and share music. Streaming for example. You can surf my blog to see. Deezer is very interesting. I suppose that some other Deezer exists elsewhere on the web. Nobody can say that your visitors are stealing music and you are a criminal ;) Think about that way to share. It's just an idea.
hi, great taste, a key to hidden treasures, music of the highest quality - don't stop guiding people in this direction 'cause there are so few who undertake such a (especially today) badly needed "job"...! THX a lot. Berni (Graz, Austria)
having come upon your blog just today, and being fond of the work of budd/hassell, I wish to thank you for introducing me to other artists in this genre...
11 commentaires:
I have been lurking and downloading on this blog since you began it. Your post today has encouraged me to step forward and at least say "thank you".
Your choices are consistently excellent. Often I have nodded in mutual enjoyment as I read a review of some classic disc.
More importantly, by trusting in your taste, I have been introduced to artists I never would have found on my own.
I know that it is hard facing off against the music industry. They are fiercely defending a dead goose that will lay no more eggs. Of course, threatening and suing your customers is hard way to build loyalty.
Please choose what is right for you with regards to continuing this blog. But know that, in such a short time, you have had a positive impact.
Thanks again for letting us into your Garden.
I also have come to respect your taste in music and discovering artists that I did not already know about has been a very pleasant experience. This discovery adds to my own and friends future music spending habits (the question of “who is that” usually ends up with a future attempt to discover more of the artists repertoire.) Most of the artists that you feature can only benefit from this exposure as far from being mainstream they are barely on the radar in the EU or the US.
It’s common on music blogs for an uploader such as rapidshare to delete material usually if they are in flac format or if relatively new. A couple of individuals in this field such as Robert Rich and Robin Guthrie of the disbanded Cocteau Twins seem to take strong exception to their music being shared, but in my own opinion the request to delete is not made by a record company or artist but an embittered individual who is jealous of the success of another blog. It seems to me that when you get deletions it denotes that your blog has actually arrived.
I hope you continue, but whatever you decide thankyou for the efforts that you have made to spread the knowledge of some excellent music, I also find your garden a pleasant and relaxing place.
It's the nature of this game my dear. The music industry doesn't want the music blogs to promote their music. They just need stupidheads to buy products and the artists that you promote (great taste by the way) or want the world to learn about are probably members of their labels mainly for tax reasons. Your work is outstanding. Your comments are very helpful too. Do it for your own pleasure and for ours too. Chris.
Please don't give up on this.
I found it just a few days ago and it's a really great page, you have.
just another bummer :(
but i understand...
If I have been 'informed', I have been
Educated, you have done that!
thank you.
Thank you for the blog. I hope you continue.
i think the first fellow put it best; this is a superb blog, wonderful collection of musics.. the whole thing's a bit of gray line, i'm afraid; i certainly have enjoyed inestimably some of the wonderful music you've posted, but as for legality, you may quit while you're ahead, or forge ahead.. i just wish people using it would write more comments, like it takes a second, ditto all the blogs, however you must make your own mind up, or post infrequently, obviously we don't want to lose you, tim leary said computers are the new lsd, he was pretty near the mark, despite being off a tad on many other things, c'est la vie.. thanks for all the wonder, anyway.. sounds like you're busy 2, and i can't imagine the skills involved in floating one of these, bit beyond commendable, all the power to you in whatever you decide, i was enriched.. piko
Thank you for your blog. I have dicovered some artists here. I use to buy cd's and dvd's when I like a lot what I listen to from the web.
It exists another way to discover and share music. Streaming for example. You can surf my blog to see. Deezer is very interesting. I suppose that some other Deezer exists elsewhere on the web. Nobody can say that your visitors are stealing music and you are a criminal ;) Think about that way to share. It's just an idea.
great taste, a key to hidden treasures, music of the highest quality - don't stop guiding people in this direction 'cause there are so few who undertake such a (especially today) badly needed "job"...!
THX a lot.
Berni (Graz, Austria)
greetings, dreamer -
having come upon your blog just today, and being fond of the work of budd/hassell, I wish to thank you for introducing me to other artists in this genre...
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